If you have found yourself thinking…

“We want the cloud to be a seamless extension of our data center, not a walled garden. We want to use our existing IT setup and tools to manage on-premises and cloud-based applications.”

“We want to seamlessly move virtual machines from on-premises to the cloud and back.”

“We want to move existing applications to the cloud without the need to change the applications in any way.”

…then our upcoming Introduction to Windows Azure IaaS session is for you.

This free half-day session is for anyone who wants to better understand the Windows Azure Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) offering. After a brief overview of the Azure Platform as a Service (PaaS) model, we will focus on key IaaS concepts. Additionally, we will walk you through a number of scenarios enabled by Azure IaaS and several demonstrations. Learn about the new generally available features including virtual machines (with more size options), virtual networks, new image types (including SQL Server and BizTalk), lower pricing and much more.


  • Overview of Windows Azure Platform
  • Azure IaaS
  • Why IaaS?
  • IaaS Core Concepts
  • Supported Applications
  • Azure Virtual Machines
  • Disk Mobility
  • VM export / Import
  • Availability
  • Azure Virtual Network

Suggested Background Reading:


Jack O’Connell, Infrastructure Architect

Vishwas Lele, Application Architect

Where and When:
October 31, 2013
8:30 AM – 1:00 PM

Microsoft Corporation
5404 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 600
Chevy Chase MD, 20815


Please click here for more information and to register for this event.