Microsoft announced Azure Automation State Configuration (AASC) will be retired on September 30, 2027. The Add, compose configuration, and gallery navigation links within the automation account will be removed from the portal on March 31, 2025. After the September expiration date, all historical data will be removed. So, what is needed to migrate from Azure Automation State Configuration to Azure Machine Configuration (AMC)? While MOF files can’t be exported from the portal, you can regenerate them from the original scripts. Without the scripts, manual rewrite of the scripts with the desired state will be required. Depending on the number of settings, reproducing the desired state via script could be cumbersome. While there is still time to migrate to Azure Machine Configuration, being able to cross reference with AASC will ensure all the previous settings are included, especially if new scripts must be written.
Using the Azure Automation State Configuration in my opinion can be a bit confusing to the beginner. The administrator had to do the following to get it to work:
- Enable the virtual machine
- Import the modules
- Import the configuration
- Compile the configuration
- Assign a node configuration
Errors could happen at any of the steps above, which could take long times to resolve. Which in turn delays getting the virtual machines in the desired state. Finally, after all the issues are resolved and after the completion on step 5 above the status of the desired state of the node could be view in the below dashboard.

The “Add” function will be disabled on March 31, 2025. In addition, the data that is used to deliver this dashboard will be removed after the September date.
What is the process to migrate?
The process of migrating to Azure Machine Configuration is well documented. Here is the high level of what that process entails:
- Export configurations from Azure Automation
- Discover module requirements and load them in your environment
- Compile configurations
- Create and publish machine configuration packages
- Test machine configuration packages
- Onboard hybrid machines to Azure Arc (if needed)
- Cross reference with AASC (before the September 30, 2027)
- Unregister servers from Azure Automation State Configuration
- Assign configurations to servers using machine configuration

Transitioning the desired state from Azure Automation State Configuration to Azure Policy is a logical move. Azure Policy enforces organizational standards and assesses compliance at scale. Azure Machine Configuration, a feature within Azure Policy, enhances the capabilities of the soon to be expired, Azure Automation State Configuration (AASC) by applying the desired state to existing machines and setting the desired state for newly deployed machines within the same scope, automatically. Additionally, AMC supports multiple custom policies for the same machine, unlike Azure Automation State Configuration, which was limited to one configuration MOF per machine. AMC also supports Linux.
In conclusion, Microsoft has provided a pathway to rebuild the existing desired state configuration from the original scripts, reducing the effort required to manually create the MOF files. If the original scripts are unavailable, cross-referencing the state between Automation State and Machine Configuration will ensure the desired states are consistent in both locations. Remember, Azure Automation State Configuration will expire on September 30, 2027.
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Keyword: Azure