Like every business that’s dependent on consumer sales to fuel growth, you and your team members are probably constantly thinking about how you can make your organization’s sales processes fast and efficient enough to support the growth and customer retention that your executive team desires.

Well, we’ve figured out a way to do just that – our client organization is in the highly competitive insurance industry, and needed a way to increase sales volumes. Enter AIS; we were able to provide our client with an automated method of providing customers with a quote for insurance rates via a self-service web portal solution…resulting in the higher sales volumes they were seeking, while also reducing costs.


The real issue that our client faced was a manually-intensive quote process. Prospective customers would need to call in to speak with a customer service agent who would need to manually obtain a quote through a complex system. To make matters worse, this process was extremely time-consuming for not only the service agents, but ultimately the prospective customer. The result – a sales process that was costly in terms of time and resources – ouch!


Our client needed a way to make this process move faster – which would lead to higher closure rates. It was clear that self-service would be the best option. We built a solution with a web-based front end that would collect the information from the customer and determine which carriers would be applicable. The solution provided integration with associated carriers’ platforms to obtain quotes real-time and present that information in a comparative manner.

Use of Microsoft.NET 4.5, Entity Framework and SQL Server 2008/2012 allowed us to create an online solution wherein the front-end could evolve over time to accommodate the evolution of user experience and accommodate a responsive design, available on mobile devices, tablets, etc.

The results of our online self-service solution included the following business advances:

  • Clients could receive better, more efficient quote data.
  • The organization could provide more quotes with less staff.
  • Client closure rates significantly improved.
  • Client volume increased.
  • The company could obtain more policies and a higher degree of customer satisfaction for self-service.

The self-service solution provided the following technological advances:

  • User-friendly interface
  • Back-end customer-solution insight
  • Responsive design

Click here to learn more about this solution, the technology used and how AIS can work with your team  to improve sales and service for your organization.