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DC #AzureGov Meetup Recap: Next Level Cloud Adoption
POSTMicrosoft Azure Government DC is a group created for anyone in the IT world modernizing Government to bring real-world lessons...
https://www.ais.com/dc-azuregov-meetup-recap-next-level-cloud-adoption/ -
Cognitive Surplus in an Enterprise?
POSTWhat is Cognitive Surplus? In his famous TED talk about Cognitive Surplus, Clay Shirky shares an incident in Kenya from...
https://www.ais.com/cognitive-surplus-in-an-enterprise/ -
Internal Power Platform Hackathon Technical Deep Dive
POSTHow We Modernized a Legacy App using Power Platform In May, AIS held an internal hackathon for Microsoft Power Platform...
https://www.ais.com/internal-power-platform-hackathon-technical-deep-dive/ -
FY22 Solutions Strategy: Building Bridges Across Microsoft Clouds to Drive Customer Success
POSTOur team enters the fiscal year 2022 with excitement, intention, and confidence. In 2022, AIS turns 40. We’ve thrived through...
https://www.ais.com/fy22-solutions-strategy-building-bridges-across-microsoft-clouds-to-drive-customer-success/ -
User-Centered Design/Discovery for an Agile Power Platform Modernization Project: Part One
POSTProject Background From August 2020 to this February, I worked as a Business Analyst (BA) on a project team to...
https://www.ais.com/user-centered-design-discovery-for-an-agile-power-platform-modernization-project-part-one/ -
A Case for Azure API Management Service
POSTAzure API Management service has been around since 2014. AIS has been implementing solutions using Azure API Management for almost...
https://www.ais.com/a-case-for-azure-api-management-services/ -
Behind the Scenes of an Internal Power Platform Hackathon
POSTAIS recently held an internal hackathon for Microsoft Power Platform to expose our team to the platform, concepts, approaches through...
https://www.ais.com/behind-the-scenes-of-an-internal-power-platform-hackathon/ -
Azure Resource Manager Template Toolkit and Pester Fundamentals
POSTTesting is and has always been a necessary action when writing code or creating templates. Throughout the history of writing...
https://www.ais.com/azure-resource-manager-template-toolkit-and-pester-fundamentals/ -
PAGE https://www.ais.com/partners/ -
Infrastructure as Code in the Wild West
POSTI am currently working as a development operation engineer at a client that maintains a large and complex infrastructure with...