53 results found • page 4 of 6
Wildcard Lookup Implementation in Microsoft Power Apps and Dynamics
POSTExecutive Summary This blog post is for Power Apps developers as well as end-users that are looking for a wildcard-like...
https://www.ais.com/wildcard-lookup-implementation-in-microsoft-power-apps-and-dynamics/ -
Level Up with Power Apps Portals
POSTGetting started with Power Apps Portals is simple; knowing how to customize the portal to your needs and requirements will...
https://www.ais.com/level-up-with-power-apps-portals/ -
Low Code, High Complexity: Power Platform is a First Class Citizen in Cloud Transformation
POSTPower Platform is Microsoft’s newest pillar in its cloud platform stack, steadily growing in popularity as more and more organizations...
https://www.ais.com/low-code-high-complexity-power-platform-is-a-first-class-citizen-in-cloud-transformation/ -
2019: AIS Blog Year in Review
POSTIt’s been a transformational year at AIS. We worked on some incredible projects with great clients, partners, and co-workers. We...
https://www.ais.com/2019-ais-blog-year-in-review/ -
How To Create Reusable Components in Canvas Apps with Already Available Controls
POSTIn this article, I will show you how we can create reusable custom components in canvas apps. We will work...
https://www.ais.com/how-to-create-reusable-components-in-canvas-apps-with-already-available-controls/ -
How To Use Galleries in Power Apps
POSTHow to use galleries to create dynamic entries in a data source in Power Apps In this article, we will...
https://www.ais.com/how-to-use-galleries-in-powerapps/ -
Newly Released JSON Function for Power Apps
POSTPassing just about anything from Power Apps to Flow with the newly released JSON function In this article, I will...
https://www.ais.com/newly-released-json-function-for-powerapps/ -
Microsoft Power Apps: Aggregate Fields with Custom Workflow Activity
POSTI’m working on a project with a straightforward requirement that’s typically solved with out-of-the-box Power Apps platform features. The customer...
https://www.ais.com/microsoft-powerapps-aggregate-fields-with-custom-workflow-activity/ -
HOW TO: Create an Exact Age Field in Microsoft Power Apps and Dynamics
POSTI recently encountered an issue when trying to create an Exact Age column for a contact in Microsoft Dynamics CRM....
https://www.ais.com/how-to-create-an-exact-age-field-in-microsoft-powerapps-and-dynamics/ -
Power Platform is all PLATFORM
POSTDriving value, lowering costs, and building your organization’s future with Microsoft’s next great business technology Lately, I’ve been helping folks...